Music Pool
So while I was looking at my friend's profile in Friendster, I found a song that I was looking for a long time ago. I've heard it a few times on the radio and on TV but I didn't really remember the title or the artist of the song, all I knew was the tune of it. I fell in a pool of bliss when I heard it, I listened to it all the way and I was mesmerized by the composition, the feelings and emotions in the song. It brought me to tears. The song was well done. The lyrics and the vocalist's voice mix so well. The piano and the other instruments used in the song was perfectly ignited. The song is "Boston" and it was by a rock band Augustana.

Augustana is from San Diego, California. Boston is one of their great hits. :) The band became famous with their second album "All Stars and Boulevards" that sold 300,000 copies in The US and over 1,000,000 singles of "Boston". They also have been featured on tours with artists like Switchfoot, Maroon 5 and etc. They're having their own headline tours too.
Essential yet appealed, carry all your thoughts across
An open field,
When flowers gaze at you... they're not the only ones who cry
When they see you
You said...
I really like the message shown in the second verse of the song's lyrics. I still want to explore music and know more bands. Music truly is beautiful. No one can change that.

Lyrics from Lyricstime and some information from Wikipedia.

Before going to sleep and finishing this blog post, I'd like to take a survey.

Do you have an alarm clock? What sound does it make? I use my cellphone as an alarm clock. It makes a loud soft toned noise.
Do you know anyone named Cielle? Who? No.
Do you have one person that 90% of your text messages are from? Who is it? Yes, Jonie.
Do you own a PostSecret book? If you don't, do you want to? Do you even know what I'm talking about? I don't have one, yeah I do want to have one maybe in the near future.
What is the most relaxing sound you can think of? The breeze from the beach.
Do you prefer regular or electric toothbrushes? Regular.
How do you hang up your posters on your wall? Tape.
Do you have a locker at school? Did you have to pay for it? Yes, yes.
Would you rather learn late every day and get a two-day weekend, or finish early every day and get a one day weekend? Two day weekend.
Do you know what you want to name your kids when you get older? Is there a reason? I have ideas. The reason is that I've imagined myself being a parent.
Have you ever had an article of yours published in a magazine? No.
Do you enjoy reading the Chicken Soup books? Which is your favorite? Yeah. I don't have a favourite of chicken soup books.
What's more annoying? A cat who won't stop meowing or a dog who won't stop barking? A dog that won't stop barking.
Is your school yearbook published in black and white or color? Yes.
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Neither.
If you could change your eye color, what would you change it to? Light brown.
Do you think tattoo sleeves are gross? Would you ever get one? Not gross but inappropriate. No.
What is the number one quality you look for in the opposite sex? Someone with the same beliefs that I have.
Have you ever been attracted to someone you previously hated? Yes.
Do you think students should be required to say the pledge of alliegence?  Should the "one nation under God" line be changed? If they want to then they should and no the line shouldn't be changed.
Do you believe in the statement: government + religion = disaster? No, not really.
Algebra or English? English.
Can you not wait until graduation? YES.
What is the age of consent where you live? 12.
What is one thing in the world you'd NEVER do, despite the circumstances? Cannibalism.

Does time pass too slowly or quickly for you? Neither.
Are you stronger mentally or physically? I'm not so sure.
Have you ever dated out of your race or religion? Would you? No and why not?
If you could either have world peace or find a cure for all of the world's diseases, which would you choose? A cure for cancer. :)
Do you wear animal prints? No.
How often do you burn incense? Before, at times but now I don't.
What music player do you use? Do you have a protective case for it? iPod, no.
Twilight: love it or hate it? Neither.
What color is your hairbrush? Blue.
Do you brush your hair when it's dry? At times.


What is Art? art is really a deep subject but I beleive art is something you form to express your feelings or emotions with different materials. Its also made to express your own work, your originality and your idea. I guess that's how I see art. I beleive that you can't say an artwork is ugly or stupid because everyone has their own form of art and we all should respect and appreciate that.

"Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions." That's the definition of art in Wikipedia. Its a bit close to how I define art but of course everyone of us have our own opinions and definitions about Art. Art isn't all about the visuals like paintings and sculptures. Art ranges from music to literature and etc.

I'm currently amazed with Photography. I want to be a photographer when I grow up too. Photographs are amazing. Just like any other art, you can express your feelings with photography. When pictures are captured, feelings are shown, emotions are seen, events and happenings are felt and there's always a concept in it. 
A picture speaks a thousand words.
When you see a picture, there would be a lot of ideas being conveyed in it, you can form a poem out of it, you can make a song out of it and you can even make a story out of it. If you'd think for a while, you'd consider why the quote stated above is true.

Just to share, I've always wanted to have an SLR camera for the betterment of quality in photos that I capture but I don't have one. That's really ok though because a person doesn't need to have an SLR camera to make art and actually capture photos. I'm currently using a digital camera for now. Hopefully, I'll have an SLR camera by the right time. :)

I've been a part of the site DeviantArt for a while now. I've submitted some of my artworks and met a few artists too. I'm inspired by some of the artists there because of their marvelous and awesome works. Its when you see their passion for their own artwork and how they conceptualize and put effort to expressing their own ideas, feelings and emotions in it. Even in different categories like literature and painting.

I'll post some artworks in DeviantArt that caught my attention. Below the pictures are the artist's link to their DeviantArt page. If you'd like to see their other artworks and other artists, just click. :) Maybe I'll post some featured artworks again in some of my next blog posts.

(c) All Rights Reserved to
These pictures aren't mine.

A blessed day it is. :)


Rainy days started again.

My sister's I-pod is lost in the house. I was feeling a bit upset and disappointed yesterday because of it. I thought my sister will blame it on me. I kept excluding myself and it was kind of stupid.

I'm partly not okay but I'm fine. I'm seeing an improvement in myself.

There are times that I neglect the truth and accept lies just to feel good. I get paranoid with my feelings and somehow try to make something right when its wrong but I will get over that attitude, I will remove that attitude fully. I know I will with God's help. I will shed off the negatives in me because as a servant of Jesus, we all should shed negatives as we grow.

I'm also struggling with impatience and lust. I'm constantly looking for love without commitment which is wrong. I am changing and I will change.

I have found myself and I am improving. I thank God so much. :)


I'm on the verge of understanding myself with my anger towards my father.

Yesterday was my older brother's birthday. A few people came.


What a day. We just had our church outing and the atmosphere was mixed up. To be honest, the event wasn't good because of the place and the people. The resort we spent the day with is crowded. We didn't have a good fellowship and we didn't even hear the word of God.

My kuya had a sermon from my mom's friend in church. It was heavy, for him. haha.

I've come to realize that forgiveness is not earned, its always given. As a Christian, one of our purposes here on earth is to be Christ like. Jesus Christ is forgiving(No need to explain).
I want to share with you guys a great passage of The Holy Bible and it's concept.

Romans 12:16-21 (New International Version)

passage from:

16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. 20On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. 21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

"Forgiveness seems to be unjust. Revenge seems to bring justice. But harboring bad feelings against another person is like a cancer that kills. It does not bring justice or peace." - Rudolf Klimes, PhD (Indiana University), MPH (Johns Hopkins University)

Quote from:
  • The bible clearly says do not repay anyone evil for evil. Do not revenge. Jesus was angry but He did not sin in it. Its not right to return back what a person did wrong to you. Its definitely and absolutely not Christ like. You can say that someone who always fights back is spiritually poor and is controlled by his anger.(Romans 12:17)
  • Revenge brings justice but its not right to make other people feel bad. We have a major role in being a Christian with anger. We're supposed to love our enemies as Jesus commanded us and revenge and paying back isn't showing love or bringing peace to our enemies and being an example to them.(Romans 12:16-18)
  • Let's trust in God and let Him do all the rest when someone does us wrong.(Romans 12:19) You can leave the payback and final justice to him (2 Corinthians 5:10).
  • Instead of fighting back, let's show love to our enemies because paying back will only worsen the fight.(Romans 12:20-21)
I've read an article that has questions and answers in relation to Forgiveness and anger that can help people realize why and how anger and forgiveness is given.

1. Why do you pay back in kind when others hurt you? My pride and anger makes me do it. Romans 12:17
2. How can you live in peace?
With forgiveness. Rom 12:14-16, 18
3. How can you leave the payback to others?
In trusting the Judge(God). Romans 12:19
4. How can you conquer the evil around you?
With good. Romans 12:20, 21

Questions and answers from:

Let's love one another and be an example to each other just as Jesus Christ did so. :)
