I've witnessed so many people give up on the things they wanted. I don't think you really have to give up or let go of something or someone if you really really want it. I believe that if you really want something, you'd do anything for it. I don't believe in giving up the battle when you're determined to fight until the end. There's always a way especially when you know there's someone up there that's willing to help you have a way.

A person's yearning for something can be the most powerful drive ever. What you want can take you to many places. I badly wanted to learn play guitar before but I had the mindset that it'd be too hard learning it. I've realized that thinking that way doesn't do me any good at all. At that time, I was just dreaming of playing the guitar but never had enough determination to make that dream come true... Until I was old enough to set my goals and eagerly work for it. I got inspired with the musicians I see on t.v. and how they express their feelings through music. I also got kinda jealous with my classmates and the other students in my school that know how to play guitar. I figured that if they can do it then why can't I?

I started borrowing different guitars from some of my classmates and I let them teach me. No matter how hard it was and how my fingers were sore from pressing the strings on the guitar, I continued. I knew it was worth it. Mom bought me an acoustic guitar for a start last last year. Just last month, mom bought me my own electric guitar. :)

Here I am now, able to play guitar whenever I want to. I now play with my mentors in school and sing with them whenever I want to.

That's because I really wanted to learn how to play it. I thank God for desires and for all the good things he has done. :)

Last Saturday was unexpected. I heard the rain pour hard on our roof but didn't know there was a storm. When my dad woke up he told me there was a storm but I thought everything would be okay, nationwide. Little did I know that people are getting stranded already in different parts of the country while I was sitting here in our house, resting and snuggling to the warmth of comfort. I was surprised at what I saw on tv. People were and are dying because of the floods that Ondoy(the storm) caused.

What really made me sad is that... Most of the people that died didn't even know Jesus. It's sad because their life had to end that way without knowing Him.

We, the people not affected, should be thankful that none of us died. We're blessed because God kept us safe and warm in his arms. I know God has the best plan and we may not know what his will is but everything will be alright.