Summer goes to greet hello
I thought that we would last
Summer ended it was a bliss
bring me back to the past
I thought of you in summer's blue
but turned to say goodbye
I thought I'd always laugh it off
but now I had to cry
So I greet the sun and walked away
to watch the flowers bloom
even if there's no more space
i had to make a room
My heart has learned it's new song
a song we never learned
it was him above who knew it all
i'm taking the next turn

Looking Back
Memories. They're all so beautiful, the past is beautiful. Sometimes, it's so beautiful... It hurts. Everyone of us has a memory that we want to relive again. Like an episode of our favorite TV show that we want to watch again. But there are also memories we don't want to remember or look back to. Looking back is such a hard thing to do when you want to forget but can't.

Our mind doesn't instantly delete what it wants to delete, it takes time and sometimes it's impossible—I think so. I wanted to make a post about this since a memory keeps on haunting me. I'm scared. When I think of me and my ex's breakup, my stomach turns upside down. I feel all sick inside. I don't wanna be a hypocrite and tell everyone I've moved on wholly. There's this part of me that stays in that moment. I've already surrendered this to Jesus and I know this will pass and heal completely in time.

Generally, I'm really happy. There's been a lot of things I should praise God for. I'm also happy I'm able to look back without bitterness. It's such a good feeling. I've already accepted what happened and it's all because of God. I'm such a vulnerable and weak person when it comes to emotions but thank God, He's always there for me when I feel alone.

As a part of moving on, you should always look ahead. If forgetting is impossible for you, you should be able to look back with a cheerful heart. Not bitter, not hurt but understanding and joyful. It's hard to be that way though but who ever said it was easy? Moving on is never easy but you can do it in a purposeful way that glorifies our father above. Nothing is ever easy. God never promised us easy things but He did promise to help us make it easier.

Philippians 3:13-14

13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

So this is all for now. Goodnight to everyone.