Survey 002
Would you be jealous if you saw your best friend and crush flirting?
Kind of.

If yes, would you do something about it?
I'd probably tell it to my best friend. It's better she knows.

Your favorite celebrity knocked on the door, what would be the first thing you would do?
Hug him and take a picture. ;)

In a group project; are you the one that does all the work or the lazy one?
It depends who my partner(s) is. Either I do it all or it's even.

Would you go streaking?

How about skinny dipping?
No. Hahaha.

Could you ever approach a guy and just start talking?
It depends on the situation.

How about asking for his number?
^ Same.

Are you secretive?
Sometimes. It depends on what aspects though. There are just some things I'd like to keep to myself.

Describe the wildest thing you ever done.
I'd rather not mention but hey it was pretty wild. I mean, I never thought I could do such a thing.

How did it feel?
Whatever. Hahaha.

Are you a risk taker?

Where can I find you on a Friday night?
Hanging out with friends or playing guitar at home.

Do you talk to anyone? Or just a certain group?
Pretty much anyone. Def not a certain group.

Do you act different around certain people?
No. I eventually turn out as the bubbly person even if I tried acting different.

Do you get moody?

Are you a social butterfly or wallflower?
See two questions above.

Tell me one thing that makes you YOU!
I have a scar on the left side of my face.

Dear God, I know you know everything about me. I wanted to type this and let all my feelings out, not because I can't tell it to you directly, but because typing this will make me help figure things out.

I've been running away from you and I truly miss you. Everyday, I make you cry and frown but you always manage to forgive me when I ask you to. I feel so worthless yet you tell me I'm very special. You hear everything I say, even in my mind. And you can't deny it, my mind is filled with unholy thoughts. Thoughts that are against you but why? Why do you still love me like you do? I've been a spoiled, disobedient and selfish brat. But why do you accept me as I am and keep me as your treasure?

Sorry Lord, I can't contain it. I've been unfaithful to you yet you've always been there for me. Giving me what I need and want. But Lord, I feel so unworthy. I feel like a total junk whenever I think of your greatness. I miss being in your presence. I miss feeling your arms wrapped around me completely. I cannot function without you and I am worthless without you. Why have I grown cold? :( Oh Lord, revive me. Put in me the fire to serve you and glorify you. Give me the fire to persevere for YOU and you alone. Give me the patience to wait for the things I must wait for so that I won't be distracted. You know my weaknesses and strengths, Lord. Please use my strengths to overcome my weaknesses. I can't do this alone. You have to move in me. I want to serve you whole-heartedly. Give me a new start, Lord. Pull me closer to you, just like you always do. I honestly do not know how to start but I give to you my past, future and present. I cannot help but cry.

I need to renew my heart.