Expect the unexpected
Things are starting to turn around and everything's been going abnormal for me. Things are not happening the way they are supposed to be and I'm watching time pass by so fast. But it's thrilling, knowing that you're walking down that crazy road for yourself not for anyone's expectations. Some people might have screwed up big time in life but they have known what it's like to be in rare situations. Judgment is never necessary. We are all different from one another and judgment is a form of belittlement, for you are measuring other people through your standards and that doesn't seem right. We all have our ups and downs and who knows? Someone who walked pass you might have the biggest down in their life right now. My point is: don't judge and criticize people. You don't know what someone's going through because you're not in their shoes. You can't base your perception only to what you can see. A perfect example is; when someone smiles, it doesn't mean that they're happy. Don't look at one's faults and mishaps because it's theirs but be informed that faults and mishaps make a person a person. You can't point at someone's wounds and bruises especially when yours are larger and more fresh. JUDGMENT hurt people. It hurts your father, your mother, your sister, your brother and everyone around you. EXPECT less but EXPECT the unexpected, get ready for what's going to happen and learn to respect people for what they're going through. STOP talking too much and start LISTENING more. There's someone out there that might need your ears to listen to their hurt and pain and you might SAVE them. JUDGING other people will not improve humanity, it will only make things worse. SEE beyond what your eyes can see because EVERYTHING is not what it seems.